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Does fibroid cause pain? is one of the most frequently asked questions by our patients. While some patients who apply to the doctor due to fibroid complaints observe severe pain caused by fibroid, some patients do not report such a complaint.

In this article, we will try to answer the questions of does fibroid cause pain?, where does fibroid pain strike?, what is the cause of fibroid pain?

Does Fibroid Cause Pain?

Fibrroid Pain

The main reason for fibrroid pain is that the fibroid degenerates, or dejenerate, as a result of not receiving the blood flow it needs during its growth.

It is seen that the fibrroma softens, loses its hard structure and islands of degeneration form inside it. This event is reflected in the patient as chronic groin pain.

fibroid pain is more common in large-volume or rapidly growing fibroid. In ultrasound or MRI images where the myoma is examined, foci of degeneration give a typical image. Although myoma degeneration is suspected in the images, a definitive diagnosis is made from the pathology material sent after the surgery.

How does fibroid pain go away?

Since the cause of fibroid pain is the natural degeneration process of the myoma or the decgeneration foci that occur after embolization, there is no definitive drug treatment that will relieve the pain. Although some painkillers suppress myoma pain, there is no definitive solution to the pain because they will not prevent degeneration.

The answer to the question of how does fibroid pain go away will be the surgical removal of the myoma that causes pain. Open and closed surgery techniques can be used in surgical rfibroidof myoma. Today, with increasing experience, laparoscopy, i.e. closed surgical techniques, have found more areas of use.

Where does fibrroid pain hit?

Fibroid pain is often seen in the groin area. We may encounter cases where fibrroid pain hits the leg and waist outside the groin.

We can answer the question of where does fibroid cause pain by saying that the location of the fibroid determines the spread of the pain.fibrroid that grow outside the uterus but strain the ligaments that hold the uterus can cause intense pain. This event can be likened to the tension pain of an enlarged pregnant uterus.

Which painkiller is good for fibroid pain?

Painkillers containing naproxen, which is in the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group, can be recommended for complaints about myoma pain. Although this is not a definitive treatment, it provides temporary relief.

In addition to painkillers, birth control pills, false menopause injections such as Lucrin or medicated spirals such as Mirena are often used in myoma. All of these provide temporary relief lasting 1-2 months. At the end of this period, complaints continue to increase.

How many days does myoma pain last?

Fibroid pain is not limited to a certain period like menstrual pain. It can be encountered at any time of the menstrual cycle and is continuous. Since the underlying cause of myoma pain is the degeneration of the myoma and the tension created by the myoma, myoma pain does not have a specific duration.

Myoma pain reduces the patient's quality of life and makes the patient unhappy.

Those Who Suffer from Myoma Degeneration and Pain

The pain caused by myoma degeneration may be more severe during pregnancy. fibroid may not prevent pregnancy due to its location, but it grows rapidly due to increased estrogen during pregnancy. We mentioned at the beginning of our article that rapid fibroid growth is an important cause of degeneration.

Pain due to fibroid degeneration occurs especially after the 18-20th weeks of pregnancy and makes life unbearable. It can be seen that these pains last 24 hours continuously.

Pregnancy becomes a deal for the patient. In this case, patients who beg for early birth cannot be given treatment other than painkillers and muscle relaxants. Since the baby is also an individual, no application can be made that will trigger or cause premature birth.

Natural Solution for Fibroid Pain

The main reason we chose the title of natural solution for fibroid pain is to emphasize the fact that our patients do not waste time by drinking onion juice or similar herbal agents in their search for natural solutions and herbal solutions, and that fibroid surgery will become riskier as the fibroid grows in this process, the risk of bleeding will increase with the growing fibroidmass, and saving the uterus will become more difficult.

Update Date: 22.04.2024
Associate Prof. Önder Koç
Prof. Dr. Önder Koç
Kadın Hastalıkları, Doğum, Jinekolojik Laparoskopi, Tüp Bebek Uzmanı
The content of the page is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your physician for diagnosis and treatment.
Associate Prof. Önder KoçProf. Dr. Önder KoçGynecology and Obstetrics Specialist, Prof. Dr. Önder Koç
Whatsapp: 0505 287 4333
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